Tuesday 29 September 2009


So interesting the stories because kids can watch, listen and read.

Kindersite is a place
where children play and teachers learn
With also educational games, songs and lullabies (so cute).
It´s linked to BBC and IXL.

In BBC Britlit for primary learners. You can find a range of materials based around the works of various authors. These materials are divided into different sections and teachers are encouraged to pick and choose the materials they want to use. However, there is one section very important: this is the ‘Pre-reading' section. In this section students are not only prepared for the story they will be reading, but will begin the transformation from being a student to being a reader. Reading is a creative act and that reading literary fiction - however long - touches on the multitude of stories already within us. Without the ´Pre-reading' activities, the exercise will just be another classroom activity and lose much of its value.

The texts are accompanied by an audio version, often of the author reading the story. Reading (or listening to) the story can then be followed by post-reading activities: ‘Context' (which explores areas related to topics raised in the story) and ‘Word Work' (which examines some of the lexical and grammatical features used). There is also a short ‘After Reading' section which suggests related reading or project work that can lead the interested student in new directions.

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