Sunday 27 September 2009

BBC Radio

BBC Radio 1: The best music and news.
BBC Radio 2: Concerts, interviews and entertainments.
BBC Radio 3: Músic, Culture, Poetry and Radio-drama. I recommend "The Verb".
BBC Radio 4: History, Art, ciencia, comedias and Radio-drama. I Recommend "The Afternoon Reading", a read short story and "Afternoon Play", a radio-drama
BBC Radio 5: News of the world, sports, interviews and discussions.
BBC Radio 6: Shows and news of the music of the world.
BBC Radio 7: Comedies, programmes for kids, mistery y adventure. I recommend: "Murder on the Orient Express", an Hercules Poirot adventure and "Big Toe Radio Show", an interesting programme for kids.
BBC World Service: News of the world, economy, science, tecnology and shows.

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